Saturday, April 6, 2013

Intro To "Parroting"

Suddenly, it's so clear to me now! Noah has been familiar with and is often made to quote the verse "Children obey your parents," for at least a year. Lately we've been having some obedience issues, so we have a talk and prayer time in the morning and at bedtime and I make him say the verse again. (And sometimes at mealtimes too, here lately! Good grief, he's a handful!) Tonight, I spoke with him about his disobedience and meanness today and after he quoted his verse:

Me- So, you know what this means, right? 

Noah-Yes, to listen and do it. 

Me- Yes, to listen to mommy and daddy and do what we say to do WHEN we say to do it. 

Noah-No! I listen to my parents! You're not my parent! 

Me-(silence) ???.......Um, Noah, who are your parents?

Noah-They live in the woods.

Me- (again, silence....) ???....Noah, do you mean parrots? 

Noah-Yeah! I listen to them! 

Me-(internally, hysterically laughing!!!)- Noah, the verse and God do not want you to obey parrots, the birds, but your PARENTS. Parents are mommy and daddy. I thought you knew this???

Noah-(his turn: Silence) ???...(then suddenly a smile so wide and dumbfounded!): OH!!! HAHA! I thought it meant parrots. I'm sorry. I will obey you, mommy! 

Really?? Is this all it took? Thank you, Lord for opening BOTH our eyes! 

(August 2011)

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