Saturday, April 6, 2013

Intro to Mommy of 2

Well, so much for having daily blogs. Life happened. Actually, the reason for this blog got extremely sick and mommy had to put things like blogging on the back burner. Let's talk about my second child a little! 

When Noah was about a year old, we decided we wanted to start fertility for our second child. Four months into our fertility treatments, Randy lost his job. We made the incredibly heart-breaking decision to stop trying for another baby. After we made this decision and came to peace with it, I took my final pregnancy test just to make sure I hadn't gotten pregnant and it was POSITIVE! God always knows when you need a rainbow during your storm. We may have been stressed out of our minds financially. We may have been in the process of selling and losing our home. We may have been hurting and heartbroken because we felt we were losing our "American Dream." But with all of this, we had hope for a wonderful surprise coming to us! We had a gift that we'd hoped and prayed and longed for! 

During the pregnancy, Randy and I decided on baby names. We just knew our second little boy was going to be so much fun for Noah to play with! We wanted a house full of boys! We wanted a whole football team! Then the ultrasound said GIRL. Uh......wha??? (I couldn't form the whole word. Just "wha"). As my mother obnoxiously jumped up and down in the room, Randy and I almost cried. We really wanted a boy! I mean, we had our hearts set on it! We had our future planned on it! Oh, well. Plan B. Or C. Or D. I think Plan B was the house and family full of boys. So with the new apartment and GIRL coming....

After what seemed like the longest pregnancy EVER, moving from a large, beautiful home to a tiny 2-bedroom apartment at 8 months pregnant and chasing after a one-year old who is faster and more durable than an energizer bunny, Autumn Rain was born. She came out at 9 pounds 8 ounces and looked quite Mexican or Chinese. I took one look at her from the operating table and said, "Randy, I swear that little Mexican baby is yours!" We both laughed and cried. 

 This little girl has brightened our lives so much! She has more energy than our little boy! She is funny, active, sweet, cuddly and independent! In fact, I haven't put her to sleep since she was born. She likes to put herself to sleep in her own bed. Thank goodness the Lord knows better for me! 

This little light of mine makes me laugh, cry and frustrated every single day. The frustration from her not wanting to nap or get to bed at night. The laughing from her clumsiness and sense of humor. The crying from her sensitivity and tenderness and sweetness. She is most definitely a mama's girl. 

So, baby makes 4! I have my hands full but it's a blast! I get to watch them grow, record their milestones and help teach them and raise them up the way the Bible tells us to. We get to have craft-time. We get to go for walks around the block. We get to go to the playground and play in the pool. I just have to add that I thought Christmas and Easter were fun and exciting until I had kids. Now, I LOVE it! I love being able to surprise them and see their faces and reactions. Praise God for babies! 

PS-Yes, this makes a mama's boy AND a mama's girl! They love their daddy, but when their boo-boo's need kissin' or when the little sickies want to be held, they prefer their mama...and I wouldn't have it any other way! 


  1. Heather, this is Laura Beth Moore (Rhodes). We have a similar story in that Scott (my husband) lost his job over two years ago, and as a result, we lost our home. But God has provided BIG TIME, as it seems he has done for you as well. We are in a tiny little rental house, and I just found out we are pregnant with number 3. Anyway, it's always an encouragement to me to hear of other families in similar situations just "making it work."

  2. What an incredible testimony we have! I actually lost my job while pregnant with Noah and I was the greatest provider at that time. I found another job making less than half of what I was. Then, we got pregnant with Autumn when Randy lost his job. We did lose the house and moved into that tiny apartment, but a year later we moved into a large house to rent. It became a burden. We are now living with Randy's parents who have an entire upstairs unused. It's like a small apartment. I can't wait to get into my own home again and we are saving, saving, saving to do so! I have learned a serious lesson in saving and being patient. On the other hand, you cannot be prepared for something like unemployment and that type of income loss. We had a lot of money saved up and it all went to our mortgage payment when Randy lost his job. I am blessed to no longer have to work but it also makes saving take much much longer. Congratulations on your 3rd!!! In my personal experience, the third isn't as insane as adding a 2nd. Once you have 2, it's smooth sailin'! I pray your pregnancy and experience with 3 will be a blessed one! It's amazing how God provides. Sometimes I get stressed about this stuff, but I know that He will not only provide but usually go "above and beyond what I could even ask or imagine." (Eph 3:20)
