Sunday, April 14, 2013

Feed the Birds, But Use Something Stronger than Fishing Line...

 I try to find entertaining things to do with the kids during the day. Some days it will be a craft, some days I let them help me with dinner or dessert and other days we watch a special movie or play outside doing everything and nothing. One Sunday afternoon, I decided we should feed the birds. I've heard of people putting peanut butter on pinecones and then rolling them in birdseed so the seed sticks to the pinecone. You are supposed to hang it up in a tree when you are done. Voila! Birdfeeders! 

 We had some fun! Noah was all over this project! He loved spreading the peanut butter on and rolling it in the seed. We like to get our hands dirty. 

I highly recommend using something tougher than fishing string. Our home has some pesky black crows and I came home after preschool one day to find both pinecones laying in the yard about 100 feet away from the tree. I didn't have to look around to see it was the crows. They're always getting into mischief! 

One of Noah's cousins joined us. He participated for about 2 minutes. Haha.

His sister enjoyed the show, too! She watches her brother and sister like a hawk!


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