Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Refer to Him as The Boy in the Blue Shorts...

As we were leaving Noah's preschool, Noah pointed to a couple of classmates and said, "Can we have Caleb and Carter come over and play at our house?" As we continued to walk, I told him that we can certainly ask their mommy or daddy. He pointed at a van and said, "There he is! There's their daddy! The big fat man over there!" I wasn't really shocked at this because my son does not have a filter, but I did look around to see if I needed to perform damage control. I am not skinny. In fact, I am a "fat woman" if you ask Noah.

As we are leaving a store, Noah asked if we could play with the little black boy. Now, some people may not take offense to this. Maybe that little boy was asking his daddy if he could play with the little white boy. I now knew that this is the time I need to sit down and teach a short but effective lesson to our boy.

God made each person different. We are all "red and yellow, black and white..." and "precious in his sight." Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I created you in the womb, I knew you." and Luke 12:7 says, "Even the hairs on your head are all counted." Why do we refer to one another as the black man, the white woman, the Indian, the Mexican, the red-head, etc. I have taught my son these things. I have asked him not to refer to them by their outer appearance, but by their name or maybe a piece of clothing they are wearing that day. If you don't know their name, ask it. If you don't know their name, say you want to play with the "boy in the blue shorts."

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Feed the Birds, But Use Something Stronger than Fishing Line...

 I try to find entertaining things to do with the kids during the day. Some days it will be a craft, some days I let them help me with dinner or dessert and other days we watch a special movie or play outside doing everything and nothing. One Sunday afternoon, I decided we should feed the birds. I've heard of people putting peanut butter on pinecones and then rolling them in birdseed so the seed sticks to the pinecone. You are supposed to hang it up in a tree when you are done. Voila! Birdfeeders! 

 We had some fun! Noah was all over this project! He loved spreading the peanut butter on and rolling it in the seed. We like to get our hands dirty. 

I highly recommend using something tougher than fishing string. Our home has some pesky black crows and I came home after preschool one day to find both pinecones laying in the yard about 100 feet away from the tree. I didn't have to look around to see it was the crows. They're always getting into mischief! 

One of Noah's cousins joined us. He participated for about 2 minutes. Haha.

His sister enjoyed the show, too! She watches her brother and sister like a hawk!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Bikini and Daisy Duke Mama---Take a Stand Against Major Department Stores Immodest Clothing

I had a setback with a major department store this evening. As I was searching for blue jean shorts for my 2-year old daughter, I was utterly surprised when I picked up the shorts to look at them and found daisy dukes! I gasped rather loudly and looked at my husband in dismay. I said, "What in the world is this?! Why would you put these on a CHILD?!" There were a few other women
around and no one really nodded their head in agreement or responded but they kept their heads down and kept browsing. I don't know if I was too obnoxious or not and I'm not incredibly worried about what their thoughts were, but what are yours? Is there a way to get these major department stores to supply clothes that cover my daughter appropriately?

Now, I do admit to being a little conservative. My hubs and I have discussed it and fully agree that neither of our daughters will EVER wear a bikini under our supervision. I just do not find it appropriate for a girl to do so. When she is old enough to make a decision as an adult, I pray she makes the right decision. I can get into the modesty debate and may pursue that in another blog but for tonight- what are your thoughts? Do you think stores have gone a little overboard on the short shorts? Do you agree they are extremely lacking age-appropriate attire for children? Not that I would wear daisy dukes now, but a TODDLER? Do you know of any way to get this situation turned around? I can't wait to hear what you have to say. 

A friend who already responded to my facebook rant, says Victoria Secret received complaints and a petition regarding their clothing for pre-teens that were inappropriate. They stopped making them. I wonder if we could do this with major department stores, as well. Why couldn't we? Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents- let's take a stand! Dress your children modestly and do it by buying the right clothing at a store who will listen. What do you say? 
(I almost posted a picture of 2 girls playing soccer in one of the store's weekly ads, but I didn't want to expose these kids to any ridicule or judgement. I mean, what if they have to bend over and tie their shoe? How do you PLAY soccer in those things? Geesh, what is going on?!)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Semi-Homemade Chicken Quesadillas

Now, some of you may think a good mom or wife needs to slave over a stove for hours and serve a wonderfully homemade meal. Not true! In today's day and age, we do not have time for that! Thank goodness for slow cookers and semi-homemade, right?! There are several routes out there to make life easier. Here is just one recipe that I made on the spot because we had a beautiful day of playing outside. I didn't want to come in and spend time cooking. Then dinner time arrived and we were starving...15 minutes later, we're eating these Applebee's-like chicken quesadillas. Enjoy! 


2  5-oz. cans Chicken Breast OR Refrigerated Ready-to-serve Grilled Chicken
1 can Rotel tomatoes and chiles
1/2 finely chopped onion
1 c. favorite shredded cheese*
1/2 c. real bacon bits*
2-4 tbsp melted butter*
6 burrito tortilla shells*
Any desired toppings: Pico de gallo, Sour Cream*, Green Onions, etc. 

1. Lay one burrito shell on flat surface. Shred/cut chicken as desired. Place chicken on one half of the shell**. 

2. Top with rest of ingredients (minus melted butter) as desired on same half of shell. 

3. On warmed skillet, add about 1/2 teaspoon of melted butter and place folded quesadilla on butter. On the top of the quesadilla shell, add another 1/2 teaspoon of melted butter for when you flip. 

4. Cook until each side is lightly brown and crispy. 

5. Voila! Finis! 


*If you are looking for a healthier recipe, here are some great substitution ideas: 
Wheat Flour Shells
Light Butter
Low-fat Shredded Cheddar 
Turkey Bacon Bits
Fat Free Sour Cream

**Some people prefer to use 2 shells for 1 Quesadilla. You can place butter on the pan, place 1 whole shell in skillet, add the desired ingredients and then top with a second burrito shell. I find this harder to flip; it can make a mess! 

If you have any awesome topping ideas or a semi-homemade recipe you'd like to share, I'd love to hear it! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Welcome Surprise!

When you are in our position economically, you dream a lot about what could be and what you would like to be. What I mean is, Randy and I had high hopes for 5 children, our own "owned" home and to not be rich but comfortable. When we found ourselves, shall I say, "uncomfortable" financially, our dream seemed to become a foggy prayer that we could not see clearly for our future anymore. We still wanted the kids and wanted the house and wanted the moula. We were and are ever so grateful for the gifts of our 2 children and a roof over our head as well as good health and employment for both of us. Our doctors told me I would never conceive again without fertility treatments and monitoring and counting cycle days and going through the several steps it took to "get" our current children. We knew what fertility treatments cost and it would be awhile before we would be able to do that stuff again! Not to mention, we couldn't afford a baby right now if we wanted one! 

I needed to take a medication involving my PCOS and to acquire this medication, you have to take a pregnancy test. On October 31, 2011, I took this test. Yes, Halloween. It was almost midnight and I was just taking it as an afterthought so I could go get the meds the following day. I had NO reaction when the test read positive. My husband was not with me. (Funny, I just realized he was never there for any of the others either). I didn't even tell him I was taking it. I had NO idea what to do. Um, how far along was I? What did I EAT today and yesterday? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING? REALLY? I mean, REALLY?! 

I went downstairs and told Randy we needed to talk...outside...NOW. As if my shock and anxiety wasn't through the roof, he says, "You're pregnant, aren't you?" What?! How in the world could he surmise this?! I guess my silence and dropped-jaw were answer enough because he responded, "I've been eating weird for a while now. I always eat weird when you're pregnant." Oh, well, that makes total and complete sense then...NOT. 

In the end, of the pregnancy that is, we received a beautiful blue-eyed baby girl! Not only was she our surprise gift from God but she told those doctors that God decides who will and will not get pregnant with medicine! SUR-PRISE!!!! 

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Intro To "Parroting"

Suddenly, it's so clear to me now! Noah has been familiar with and is often made to quote the verse "Children obey your parents," for at least a year. Lately we've been having some obedience issues, so we have a talk and prayer time in the morning and at bedtime and I make him say the verse again. (And sometimes at mealtimes too, here lately! Good grief, he's a handful!) Tonight, I spoke with him about his disobedience and meanness today and after he quoted his verse:

Me- So, you know what this means, right? 

Noah-Yes, to listen and do it. 

Me- Yes, to listen to mommy and daddy and do what we say to do WHEN we say to do it. 

Noah-No! I listen to my parents! You're not my parent! 

Me-(silence) ???.......Um, Noah, who are your parents?

Noah-They live in the woods.

Me- (again, silence....) ???....Noah, do you mean parrots? 

Noah-Yeah! I listen to them! 

Me-(internally, hysterically laughing!!!)- Noah, the verse and God do not want you to obey parrots, the birds, but your PARENTS. Parents are mommy and daddy. I thought you knew this???

Noah-(his turn: Silence) ???...(then suddenly a smile so wide and dumbfounded!): OH!!! HAHA! I thought it meant parrots. I'm sorry. I will obey you, mommy! 

Really?? Is this all it took? Thank you, Lord for opening BOTH our eyes! 

(August 2011)

Intro to Mommy of 2

Well, so much for having daily blogs. Life happened. Actually, the reason for this blog got extremely sick and mommy had to put things like blogging on the back burner. Let's talk about my second child a little! 

When Noah was about a year old, we decided we wanted to start fertility for our second child. Four months into our fertility treatments, Randy lost his job. We made the incredibly heart-breaking decision to stop trying for another baby. After we made this decision and came to peace with it, I took my final pregnancy test just to make sure I hadn't gotten pregnant and it was POSITIVE! God always knows when you need a rainbow during your storm. We may have been stressed out of our minds financially. We may have been in the process of selling and losing our home. We may have been hurting and heartbroken because we felt we were losing our "American Dream." But with all of this, we had hope for a wonderful surprise coming to us! We had a gift that we'd hoped and prayed and longed for! 

During the pregnancy, Randy and I decided on baby names. We just knew our second little boy was going to be so much fun for Noah to play with! We wanted a house full of boys! We wanted a whole football team! Then the ultrasound said GIRL. Uh......wha??? (I couldn't form the whole word. Just "wha"). As my mother obnoxiously jumped up and down in the room, Randy and I almost cried. We really wanted a boy! I mean, we had our hearts set on it! We had our future planned on it! Oh, well. Plan B. Or C. Or D. I think Plan B was the house and family full of boys. So with the new apartment and GIRL coming....

After what seemed like the longest pregnancy EVER, moving from a large, beautiful home to a tiny 2-bedroom apartment at 8 months pregnant and chasing after a one-year old who is faster and more durable than an energizer bunny, Autumn Rain was born. She came out at 9 pounds 8 ounces and looked quite Mexican or Chinese. I took one look at her from the operating table and said, "Randy, I swear that little Mexican baby is yours!" We both laughed and cried. 

 This little girl has brightened our lives so much! She has more energy than our little boy! She is funny, active, sweet, cuddly and independent! In fact, I haven't put her to sleep since she was born. She likes to put herself to sleep in her own bed. Thank goodness the Lord knows better for me! 

This little light of mine makes me laugh, cry and frustrated every single day. The frustration from her not wanting to nap or get to bed at night. The laughing from her clumsiness and sense of humor. The crying from her sensitivity and tenderness and sweetness. She is most definitely a mama's girl. 

So, baby makes 4! I have my hands full but it's a blast! I get to watch them grow, record their milestones and help teach them and raise them up the way the Bible tells us to. We get to have craft-time. We get to go for walks around the block. We get to go to the playground and play in the pool. I just have to add that I thought Christmas and Easter were fun and exciting until I had kids. Now, I LOVE it! I love being able to surprise them and see their faces and reactions. Praise God for babies! 

PS-Yes, this makes a mama's boy AND a mama's girl! They love their daddy, but when their boo-boo's need kissin' or when the little sickies want to be held, they prefer their mama...and I wouldn't have it any other way!