Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Intro to Motherhood

A common denominator in many of my friend's infertility is PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. You can read all about it here: http://women.webmd.com/pcos-directory. (WebMD.com) This factored in with my fertility as well. My husband and I tried for several months to get pregnant and finally went for a serious visit to my OB/GYN. He informed me of the details of my disease and gave me a low dose of a fertility pill. We tried for several more months to no avail. Finally, we all mutually decided on visiting a specialist. Dr. Christopher Williams (http://www.marthajefferson.org/clinicalfront/website_fall_07/profiles.php), started me on a path of literally counting days, taking pills and drawing blood. I did  this for several months before going to see him on a cold winter day and finding out all of our hard work had paid off! We were expecting our first bundle of joy. Our first blessing. Our very first life-changing, unbelievably desired and longed-for child from God. 

I had NO idea what was in store for us. Boy! The pregnancy alone should have been ample warning that we were in over our heads! Isn't every parent? The pregnancy road was a rough one. With major anxiety attacks, extreme swelling, major weight-gain, pregnancy insomnia and then a premature inducing made me wonder what in the world was going to happen. Were we meant to be parents or was this a sign that we should have just stopped trying? After 24 hours of hard labor, our "bundle of joy" still had not arrived. Again, this wasn't going as I had planned. Are you sensing any frustration? If so, you've guessed correctly. The doctor said it was time to get him out. It was time to cut me open and pull him out. 

Just before going in, it dawned on me: I was about to become a mother. I'm not sure why it was just hitting me at that point, but it did. I looked at my mom and she was hit by it, too. She practically whispered, "You're about to become a mommy." I cried the whole way to the Operating Room. 

Only a few minutes later, my Noah was born. He had FINALLY arrived! He was FINALLY here! My life was never the same. His presence was not only an amazingly overwhelming pure joy but his sweet and kind spirit started showing when he was only a few months old! He started smiling the day he was born! Praise God for answered prayer! Praise Him for His gift of life! 

You will get to know my babies soon. I will be sharing a-plenty! I wanted to share the beginning of my wonderful introduction to motherhood. 

Do you know all of the pain, suffering and anxiety was SO worth it?! I wonder if that is even an inkling of how Christ felt about coming to earth as a man and dying for us? The pain so well worth the reason. Now, I'm not saying I am remotely at all like Christ or that I can understand what He was thinking or going through or that I even felt a percentage of the physical and emotional pain He endured. It just makes me wonder if that's even remotely at all what He felt like when it was all over? He knew what it was all for and what the outcome would be and he endured through it anyway. He knew the end would be worth the pain. As Easter approaches, I am so eternally grateful for Him enduring such pain for me. For you. For my family. For ALL. (John 3:16) 

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