Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Intro To Blogging

If you read my profile, you will see I am a full-time mommy and wife. I aim to appease all of my loved ones as well as capture their every precious moment in my memory. I have even gone as far as keeping a Daily Planner each year for each child. I do not get the opportunity to write in them daily, but I make notes to myself and fill them in as I can. My children are still young but are growing so quickly! It's heart-breaking and exciting at the same time! I used to post daily happenings on Facebook and occasionally on Twitter. Then, I heard a wise woman explain something profoundly eye-opening. She was posting a status on Facebook and her daughter asked what she was doing. She told her daughter she was posting on Facebook. Her daughter then asked who was going to read it. She said she wasn't sure. Her daughter then asked why she posted if she didn't know who was going to read it. She replied, "I have no idea!" (Beth Moore)

This opened my eyes a bit to how others may view me and how I view others. I used to post things about my children that no one needs to know. I'm sure they don't care. It surely didn't change their life in any way. I do not want to overwhelm my Facebook and Twitter audience with the hourly goings on of my babies. As much as I cherish these times and moments, I'm sure the daily events in my life have no affect on yours.

So, I am creating a blog. I may share recipe ideas, holiday ideas, children's statuses, date-night planning and ideas, etc. I am not really creating this for you but for myself so that I can have accurate records of how my children and husband and dear ones affected my life. There may be nothing profound each day and I may have nothing to say so I just share what the Lord is doing in my life, but this will be my public diary of sorts.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! I hope to entertain you, to be funny, heart-warming and helpful. But most of all, I just want to be able to keep records of how the Lord is working in mine and my family's lives.  

My world is full of white snow at the present! I'm loving the winter wonderland! Most people are tired of snow, but I just think of it's beauty. I am grateful for the reminder of Jesus and how He lived a pure life for me. He washed away my sins and made me white as snow! Have a blessed week!

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