Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Kaleigh Faith's 1st Birthday

June 18, 2012, the world welcomed a beautiful, blue-eyed babe. Her gentle, sweet spirit makes us smile daily. She watched her big brother and sister closely for a few months rarin' to go and join them! Within 3 months, she was crawling. Within 6 months, she was standing and cruising so she could keep up with them. She loves to clap and giggles while she does it. Her bottom 2 teeth came in when she was 4 months old and her top 2 teeth just came in 2 weeks ago. Since then, she pokes her 2 bottom teeth out and grins real big. She is the only child of mine will eat almost anything! She is the only one who likes pasta. She likes all fruits and vegetables, pastas and most meats. She gets really loud and squeals a lot when she is excited. She loves, loves, loves holding baby dolls and she kisses and hugs on them. I adore my pretty little princess. Her beautiful blue eyes glisten almost when you look into them. She had a clogged tear duct and she had to have a procedure last week to unclog it. It worked beautifully and there are no more tears constantly streaming down that dimpled cheek of hers! Here are a few pictures of my precious one. Praise You, Father, for my best surprise EVER!! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Noah's Storm

Yesterday, we had a storm. As the storm was heading our way and the skies became darker, I checked on my sleeping girls. I returned to Noah's room and he said, "I just prayed." I inquired, "Well, that's great! What did you pray about?" He answered, "I prayed God would help me to not be scared of the big, huge storm." I was so impressed with his knowledge and desire to pray to God it took me a second to respond! I asked him if he knew who created storms. He simply said, "God does." I then asked him, "Who is with us always?" He immediately said, "God is." I explained to him that God is always with us whether we're scared, happy, sad or even lonely. I got up, slid the curtains aside and asked him if he would like to skip naptime and watch God at work. He excitedly said yes. As we spent the next few minutes watching the sky grow darker, the lightning flash, the trees bend nearly to the ground and as we listened to the thunder clap, God answered prayer. Noah was no longer afraid. He was excited! He would say, "Cool!", "Awesome!", "Did you see that?!" and "Wow!" 

Little minds and hearts cling to our every word and action. I am so grateful God is teaching my children how to love, cherish and pray to Him. It was a beautiful storm.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2013 Summer Fun in the Sun- Noah's 1st Time Camping and S'mores

For Memorial Day this year, we decided to let Noah have his first camping experience. The trip was a short one--straight to the back yard. We roasted marshmallows to make S'mores and even though daddy said, "I will let Noah fall asleep then I'm bringing him in," I went out there several times to check on them and Randy's snoring told me otherwise! Randy and Noah came in the following morning thrilled, happy, rested and ready to do it all over again. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Top 17 Things I Found Out On My Own Experience In Becoming A New Mom

Here's a list of my personal "Top 17 Things I Found Out On My Own Experience In Becoming A New Mom..." I mean, let's face it, there's some things you just have to learn with experience. Some things you read and read about and you never experience it and then there's the things no one talks about. Here's some of each:

17. It has always amused me that the first question a person asks when they meet your child is, "How old is she?" They rarely even ask the child's name. Pay attention to strangers when they ask. What is their first question? It's strange but true.

16. As a new mom, you become SO proud of those daily milestones your baby will have. Unfortunately, even baby's grandma isn't going to be interested in each little thing. So posting each day, several times a day, about your baby isn't a great idea. Save those tweets and facebook statuses for the BIG first poopy in the potty, first time standing, first time rolling over, etc. If you have a grandma who is out of town and wants to know everything, email it to her! I've sent pics of poopy, too! Haha.

15. Do not debate with other mommies on what is best: Breastmilk or Formula. This argument has been going on for decades. Just agree that everyone has an opinion on the matter.

14. You can make your birth plan for the hospital, but the baby is the ultimate decision-maker. It may work out just the way you plan or want it to, but sometimes, you just have to have a Cesarean.

13. How you have a baby will NOT affect who they become! If you have a baby screaming your head off due to the pain because your birth plan included natural childbirth, then your baby will not grow up stressed and over-anxious about everything. Your baby will not remember. Seriously.

12. Anxiety about your child's well-being is natural. Try to relax and know that their screaming in a car seat while you drive to the store or church is okay. It actually means they're healthy! They have wonderful, POWERFUL, and working lungs. They have a desire to be heard and a strong will to survive. That soothes me. I even love hearing babies cry now. It's precious.

11. You will find yourself wearing pajamas and old tees around the house daily. Not only because you yearn comfort but also because you know your child will either spit-up, throw up, wipe snot on you and/or wipe dirty hands when finished eating. I have found that all of my "good" clothes come right off when I get home and go right on just before running out the door.

10. Whether you give birth vaginally or via Cesarean  your life will never be the same. You will lose all dignity in those moments. On the other hand, the hospital staff does this for a living and they've seen so many births, they all probably look the same!

9. No one will ever look you in the eyes when you are carrying your baby. They will only stare and make goo-goo eyes at your baby. YOU no longer exist. And that's how it should be...

8. Start the discipline EARLY and stay consistent! Most children are willful at a certain age. They KNOW right from wrong early, too. Find out what discipline works best for that child and stick with it.

7. Your true personality- one you may not have even known you had- comes out when you have children. Do you have a temper? You may soon find out! Do you cry easily? You will now! Do you panic with emergency situations or do you get through them smoothly then break-down afterwards when the coast is clear? Only time will tell!

6. Your heart will break when they are sick or in pain. Period.

5.Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a full-time mother, your children need some one-on-one time with you each day. Sometimes the laundry or dishes are piling up but which is more important? Take at least a few minutes a day to spend with your babies. One at a time.

4. Each pregnancy is different. You may have a perfect pregnancy throughout or each day may be exhausting, terrifying and/or sickly. Sometimes, you do not get the pregnancy "glow." Sometimes, your glow will be the beautiful child you hold in your very arms.

3. Clothes, clothes, clothes EVERYWHERE! Once you have even just one child, it seems the clothes are never-ending! Just. get. used to it.

2. If you feel you don't pray enough for your children, praise God that Christ intercedes for us. Besides, it's not up to us to "save" our children. It is through the Spirit alone. Yes, your testimony is a large part, but you cannot save your child(ren).

1. The very first time they say, "I love you," without being prompted is the most heartwarming experience you will ever have. (Mine are too young to have accepted Christ into their hearts. I assume that will be the number one heartwarming moment).

Bonus: I highly recommend this study for new and old parents, alike! I heard these ladies in person and their insight was amazing. So Biblically sound and necessary! A new way to look at parenting, for me. I recommend the DVD, CD, book and/or study guide. And no, I do not get anything for recommending it.

Please share with me some of your experiences!