Saturday, May 25, 2013

1st Time Strawberry Pickin'

This month has been insane! I am just now getting a chance to write. I hope to get caught up on here soon! It never ceases to amaze me when I see a mother of 4 or 5 with another on the way, blogging daily! I mean, how is that possible? Does she get 25 hours a day? I "squirreled"--sorry! Now on to one of our special days earlier this month: I try to have a special family day or weekend at least once a month. This is a day where we go out as a family and do something we've never done, something we love to do or just spend the entire day together. This month we got to try something new! I'd never been and neither have my babies! We went to the opening day of strawberry pickin' at Yoder Farm, here in Virginia. It was beautiful out there! I love Virginia's mountains and land. I say it almost daily: "What a beautiful sight!" "Thank you, Lord for the beautiful mountains we get to see daily!" The kids had a blast!
Autumn picked so many "white" unripened strawberries it wasn't funny! I had to put them in the window for a couple days. They turned out beautifully!

She sat and took it all in, like she usually does. All smiles and rarely puts up a fuss. If all of my babies are like her, I'd love 20 more! 

Autumn kept coming to us and showed us her treasures. It is so precious to watch our little ones discover new things! 

Autumn ran up and down one aisle to and from her daddy and I.  It was a great day. 

Yes, the sun was right in our eyes. There's Autumn showing her treasures again. 

It was opening day at the Strawberry Farm so they had several activities. Noah and Autumn were so excited to ride the train! AND they got to ride in their own car without mommy or daddy? BONUS! 

It's hard to get a picture without gorgeous blue eyes and a 2-toothed grin! She is my lil darlin'. 

Waitin' on her brother and sister, we decided to get a lil photo of us. I think she was saying, "Dada." And he just happened to be snappin' the pic! 

Noah and Autumn both grinned from ear to ear while they rode their lil ride. It brings my heart great joy to bring a little joy to their life. 

She loved it so much, it was hard to get her know...the whole kicking and screaming scene? That's us!! 

Here's the beautiful view I was talking about. I'm so blessed to have these 4 in my life. God is so very, very good to me! 

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